Mikä on SELFIE Pedagoginen työkalu (SELFIE PTK)
Various efforts in Europe, like the EC’s SELFIE initiative, are seeking to accelerate educational innovation in Europe’s schools by supporting the development of digital competence of school learning communities, i.e., learners, educators, trainers, and school leaders. In many cases, this is being pursued through the school community’s self-reflection about existing digital competence within the school and how to nurture that, going forward. Commonly, support for this self-reflection comes from using tools like SELFIE, based on the EC’s digital competence framework for organizations DigCompOrg, or from similar undertakings in individual Member States, like Finland’s Opeka or Ireland’s Digital Schools of Distinction (to name just two examples). When school communities use such tools as part of their innovation efforts, they usually manage to get a clearer picture of the precise point they have reached – school-wide – on digital education. The next step is understanding all the detail, which that picture shows, and how to nurture the aspects that the school sees as most important. And that is where the SELFIE Pedagogical Innovation Assistant Toolkit, or SELFIE PTK can help, by bringing the school’s digital education ‘picture’ into focus, stimulating fresh ideas for action, and offering guidance for turning those ideas into well-planned digital innovation paths.