Having identified key aspects (i.e., priorities and goals) requiring action to further the school’s digital capacity development (Steps 1-3), you are now ready to develop the SELFIE-based Action Plan, your school plans to implement.
In this step, you will
- Formulate the schools SELFIE-based Action Plan.
- Incorporate results from Phase 1 in action plan.
- Outline a list of actions to be performed to reach goals set.
Remember that this is a preliminary SELFIE-based Action Plan, in the sense that any time during the implementation phase, you may come back and modify or adjust the action plan.
In Phase 1, you identified and analysed the SELFIE Areas/items for action, set your priorities and described the corresponding goals. Now, in Phase 2 you can develop your SELFIE-based Action Plan, a comprehensive document that enables you to plan, enact and evaluate activities. A template for the action plan is available in word format. Schools participating in the SHERPA project, can use alternatively the SELFIE PTK online platform.
The SELFIE-based Action Plan may include information from Phase 1, regarding the current state of the school’s digital strategies and practices (Step 1 & Step 2) and a prioritized list of SELFIE areas and selected items identified as requiring action, along with goals set for pursuing improvements aligned to these priorities (Step 3). Even though including this information into the SELFIE-based Action Plan is optional, by doing so, it will allow you to have all relevant information together in a single document.
Regardless of your choice to include or not information from Phase 1 in the action plan, you can start drafting the different activities to help you achieve those goals. One or more activities may be devoted to each goal. Some goals could be achieved in a short timeframe (e.g., in three months), while others could take longer (e.g., more than a year). This could start brainstorming about an initial set of activities that can help to achieve goals and priorities defined in the previous step. As you do, continue asking yourselves whether your goals and activities actually address the matter you identified from your SELFIE Report results.
To help ensure your step-by-step development of the action plan and its constituent activities is done in a sound manner, you can make sure your activities are all S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant (i.e., relevant to the current circumstances of the school and the achievement of the specific stated priority), and Time-bound (Doran, 1981). If an activity seems complex and hard to achieve, consider breaking it down into smaller activities that are easier to implement and manage. Once you have established the actions, check if you need to prioritize them: some actions may be dependent on another (or others), or have specific deadlines or time limits.
Before moving on to the next step of describing the actions in detail, you could present the actions considered so far to other teachers at the school. Even though this is part of Step 6, it will allow teachers to acquaint themselves with the action plan and provide feedback at an early stage. This way they are more likely to identify with the plan, feel that they have ownership and feel a sense of responsibility for it. On the other hand, you could probably save time by avoiding describing actions in detail (Step 5), that will be modified or revised later on (Step 6).
Always remember that the list of actions you establish in this step is not permanent. When the plan is underway, you can come back to this step and make any necessary adjustments, like modifying activities, include extra activities that you think are needed, or even drop activities for any reason whatsoever.
Tool 4.1 - Template for SELFIE-based action plan
A template to use for planning, enacting, and evaluating activities. The template is available in both a printed and an online format.
Printed version: File available in both MS Word and PDF format for any school to download and use. Feel free to modify accordingly!
Online version: (Only) Schools participating in the SHERPA piloting phase can visit the SELFIE PTK online environment for completing the SELFIE-based action plan.
When developing your SELFIE-based action plan it is important to bear in mind any relevant national, regional, or local guidelines that might relate to those actions. Also consider how those
actions would fit in with your school’s improvement plan.
The SELFIE-based Action Plan may include information from Phase 1, regarding the current
state of the school’s digital strategies and practices (Step 1 & Step 2) and a prioritized list of
SELFIE areas and selected items identified as requiring action, along with goals set for pursuing
improvements aligned to these priorities (Step 3). Even though including this information into
the SELFIE-based Action Plan is optional, by doing so, it will allow you to have all relevant
information together in a single document.
Remembering that SELFIE results reflect the (subjective) perceptions of users expressed on a five-level Likert scale1, schools may also wish to have functional input for setting themselves higher goals for improvement and understanding how to go about making advancements in their practices. To this end, examples from existing ‘graduated-level’ models and frameworks could be included, such as the Digital Learning Framework or the DigCompOrg and DigCompEdu frameworks, which rank competences, descriptors, and proficiency statements in progressive proficiency levels. Even though there is no categorical one-to-one correlation between the different areas, indicators, and competences covered in SELFIE and those addressed in other frameworks, comparison with them could give educators and schools a better understanding of the level of their various competences and how these can be developed. Working collectively, this could help them formulate their goals and actions in a more tangible, precise, and specific way.
For example, under the SELFIE Area “Pedagogy: Implementation in the classroom”, one of the indicators is “Student Collaboration” (F5). This is in line with one of the 22 competences in the DigCompEdu framework, specifically the competence “Collaborative Learning” under the area “Teaching and Learning”. For each of the 22 competences, descriptors, and proficiency statements in the DigCompEdu framework2, there are separate descriptions at six progressive proficiency levels. When using the SHERPA’s Pedagogical Toolkit, schools could take advantage of these proficiency-graded descriptors to get an understanding of their general collective current proficiency level on the selected competence and draw on the detailed description of progression criteria when formulating their actions objectives.
The Digital Learning Framework for Primary Schools and Digital Learning Framework for Post Primary Schools, which articulate effective and highly effective practice for the use of technologies in two key dimensions (i.e., Teaching and Learning and Leadership and Management), could be used in a similar way as DigCompOrg or DigCompEdu frameworks. For instance, under the SELFIE area “Assessment Practices”, one of the indicators is “Assessing skills” (G1), which is aligned with one of the 32 standards in the Digital Learning framework, namely the standard “the teacher selects and uses planning preparation and assessment practices that progress pupils’ learning” under the domain 3: “Teachers’ Individual Practice” and under the dimension “Teaching and Learning”. For each of the 32 standards[1], statements of practice which describe “effective”, and “highly effective” school practices are provided which could assist schools to identify the areas of their practice that are effective or highly effective and to identify and prioritise the areas where improvement is needed.
1) In SELFIE, the response options for each item are: Strongly disagree – in my experience, this is not true at all / Disagree / Slightly agree / Agree / Strongly agree – in my experience, this is very true.
2) To see DigCompEdu Competences and Proficiency levels, visit: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/digcompedu/framework/proficiency-levels
The SELFIE PTK portal allows registered schools, participating in the SHERPA pilot implementation, to share selected activities implemented in their school, publicly to all schools. Once registered schools start to share their actions, the portal will act as a space, where schools can find examples of activities already implemented elsewhere. Schools can use these shared activities as-is, or as a starting point upon which they can base their own activities.
In addition, schools can identify further suggestions to specify activities to be carried out in the following relevant webpages:
A network of participating schools can be created (at the country level) to facilitate exchange of ideas, best practices, and experiences with national and international schools. Schools can also ask for suggestions of how to overcome obstacles and difficulties that may arise in the implementation of their activities. The SELFIE PTK online platform can also be used to facilitate communication from schools from different countries.
Below you can find links to useful digital tools which could support teaching and learning:
ePortfolio tools: An ePortfolio is a dynamic workplace “owned” by students. Taking into consideration the continuous development and integration of technology in education, an ePortfolio offers the students a digital workplace where they can capture their learning, submit and manage their work collections, reflect on their learning, share, set goals, seek feedback and showcase their learning and achievement (Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, 2021; EUfolio, 2014). Some suggested ePortfolio tools are:
- https://mahara.org/
- Exabis ePortfolio plugin in Moodle (link)
- OneNote https://www.onenote.com/signin?wdorigin=ondc
- Google Sites https://sites.google.com/new
Tools for the creation of rubrics: In general, rubrics are scoring guides used to evaluate student products and performance. Some tools you can use to create rubrics are:
- Rcampus: https://www.rcampus.com/
- Rubistar: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/
- Corubric: https://corubric.com/
Tools for the creation of digital educational materials:
- Canva: Allows you to design images such as infographics, posters, flyers, stories for social networks and so on. https://www.canva.com
- Animated videos: https://www.powtoon.com/
- Interactive videos: https://h5p.org/
- Screen/video recordings: https://screencast-o-matic.com/
- Dynamic presentations: https://prezi.com/
- Mind maps: https://www.mindmeister.com/
- Concept maps: CmapTools https://cmap.ihmc.us/
- Word clouds: https://www.nubedepalabras.es/
- Posters and murals: https://edu.glogster.com/
- Synchronous communication managers: skype, viber, etc.
- Example 4.1
Description of activities for set goals and priorities
Below, you can see a list of indicative activities, addressing different goals and priorities set in the previous step (Step 3). Schools can use the activities described below, as-is, simply select a few, or adapt according to their own needs and context.
Priorities | Goals | Possible Activities |
SELFIE Area(s)
D. Continuing Professional Development SELFIE Item(s) D1. CPD Needs D2. Participation in CPD D3. Sharing Experiences | To make provision for focused training activities | • Use an online self-evaluation tool (e.g., SELFIE for Teachers, TET-SAT) to trigger teachers’ self-reflection and identify their CPD needs. • Create a recommended list of digital educational tools (e.g., MS Teams, Kahoot, Flipgrid, etc.) and/or methods (e.g., flipped classroom, game-based learning) and ask teachers to express their interests for training purposes. • Establish a training program with clear objectives and make it publicly available to all teachers. |
To encourage peer mentoring and exchange to further develop the digital competence in the school-teacher cohort | • Identify and plan different training options, e.g., team-teaching, classrooms observations, teacher coaches. • Create a common online space to upload and share teaching resources among the school-teacher cohort. | |
SELFIE Area(s) H. Student Digital Competence SELFIE Items(s) H1. Safe Behaviour H3. Responsible Behaviour | To educate students in the creative, safe, and responsible use of the internet | • Inform students about services offered through the SIC (e.g., Helpline) where they can get advice and support on issues related to safe, responsible, and ethical use of the Internet. • Arrange presentations, and workshops for students, teachers, parents through the country’s Safer Internet Center (SIC). • Involve students in developing/refining the school “Acceptable Use Policy” of the school. • Ensure the school participation in a national or international Program on Safer Internet (e.g., Young Coaches, eSafe Schools, School Web Radio, EduWeb). • Subscribe the school to the eSafety Label community and get accredited. |
When you have finished this step, you should have:
- Finalized your list of activities.
- Made sure they are appropriate.
- Completed the suggested Step 4 design grille.
- Decided who to engage (staff, teachers, other interested parties) and how to do so.