Using the SELFIE PTK
This page describes in greater detail how the SELFIE PTK might be put into action by schools, by providing detailed step-by-step guidelines for schools to follow. SELFIE PTK guidelines consists of 7 main steps.
Start by self-reflecting on your school’s digital capacity with SELFIE and setting up a coordinating team
1 of 8Gain overall understanding of SELFIE Report output; identify key data (e.g., convergence/divergence in views of different respondent groups; response from personalized items); compare area outcomes (e.g., main vs additional areas); select 2-3 focus issues for SELFIE-based Action Plan.
2 of 8Establish shared team understanding of selected issues & related facets (e.g., via focus group, panel, questionnaire, ideas box, etc.)
3 of 8Prioritise SELFIE Areas/items seen as requiring action, and define goals for pursuing improvements aligned to these priorities (eventual Phase 2 goals).
4 of 8For each goal set, design one or more “S.M.A.R.T.” activities, i.e., Specific, Measurable [outcomes], Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.
5 of 8Flesh out activity designs by adding time frame, roles/responsibility, resources, success criteria, means for monitoring & evaluating activities.
6 of 8Activate participants, set up ‘implementation teams’, organize, gather materials, sustain active commitment of all, and start implementation of action plan. |
Gauge ongoing progress towards Step 5 Success criteria using corresponding evaluation means. If needed, make adjustments to Step 4 & 5 outputs. Log activity outcomes regarding goals, participant performance, strengths & weaknesses, possible future improvements.
8 of 8Note that these steps are part of a cyclical approach. Even though the guidelines below are written in a linear format, the different steps do not need to be performed in a rigid sequence. Have in mind that at any time you may go back to an earlier step and start again. While progress of the implemented activities is being monitored in Phase 3, it may become apparent that activities that were planned in Phase 2 need to be adjusted on-the-fly. This sort of back-and-forth cycle from design to enactment to appraisal to re-design and so on is common, and it is also an indication of healthy, critically-aware practice. When such a cycle extends to all three general phases, it can really help the school optimize pedagogical innovation planning and action, and in this way consolidate improvement in digital teaching and learning.