
Here you can find all #SELFIEPTKMOOC videos.

Complete Package | Document
SELFIE PTK (complete package)
Here you can find the complete SELFIE PTK package in a downloadable format. This includes the SELFIE PTK guidelines (in pdf format), along with all supporting materials for each step (in pdf, word, ppt accordingly).

Tool 1.1
Template for SELFIE PTK STEP 1
A template to help you get a good understanding of the results from your school's SELFIE Report. File available in both MS WORD and PDF formats for any school to download and use.

Tool 2.1
Template for SELFIE PTK STEP 2
A template to guide you through your further investigation of the SELFIE Areas/items you selected. File available in both MS Word and PDF formats for any school to download and use.

Tool 3.1
Template for SELFIE PTK STEP 3
A template to use for writing down the priorities and action plan goals you have set. File available in both MS Word and PDF format for any school to download and use.

Tool 4.1-5.2-7.2
Template for SELFIE-Based Action Plan
A template to use for planning, enacting, and evaluating activities. The template is available in both a printed and an online format. Printed version: File available in both MS Word and PDF format for any school to download and use. Feel free to modify accordingly! Online version: (Only) Schools participating in the SHERPA piloting phase can visit the SELFIE PTK online environment for completing the SELFIE-based action plan.

Tool 5.1
Template for SELFIE PTK STEP 5
A template to use for fine planning and setting evaluation means for an action. File available in both MS Word and PDF format for any school to download and use.

Tool 6.1
Template for SELFIE PTK STEP 6
A simple PowerPoint template for presenting the school’s SELFIE-based action plan to the school community. The structure of the presentation is based on the word format of the SELFIE-based action plan from Step 4. Use the fonts and color as is or change it to match up your school’s style.

Tool 7.1
Template for SELFIE PTK STEP 7
A template to guide ongoing monitoring of how your SELFIE-based action plan is progressing, and for evaluating the outcomes and impacts it has generated with regards to the digital capacity of your school’s learning community. File available in both MS Word and PDF formats for any school to download and use.