Having started the implementation of your SELFIE-based Action Plan (Step 6), you are now ready to activate the mechanisms defined in Step 5 for monitoring and evaluating the actions. In this step you will:
- Monitor and evaluate the actions that are underway and make any necessary adjustments to the action plan.
- Upon completion of actions, make reflective comments for future reference and possible improvements.
Keep in mind that even if this is the final step in the SELFIE PTK, it should be viewed as part of an ongoing processes. Results should be used to improve any future action plan, by taking into consideration the experience gained during implementation of this plan.
With the action plan underway, it is essential that you maintain control, keep the action plan on track and assure its successful completion. Using the success criteria, tools and methods defined in Step 5, you monitor and evaluate the progress and impact of each action and determine the degree to which defined goals are being achieved or if they need to be recalibrated.
It is important that monitoring and evaluation are carried out throughout the whole implementation phase and in a systematic manner (at regular intervals), so that any issues can be identified and dealt with in a timely fashion, via appropriate solutions.
If monitoring reveals the need for on-the-fly adjustments for any activity, you may need to go back to Steps 4 and 5 (Phase 2) and adjust the design of your action plan. Remember that the design and implementation of your action plan are strongly interlinked, so any modification made will have implications for the action plan as a whole. Bear in mind for the action to be successful, all stated goals need to be met.
Upon completion of each action and collection of related data and artefacts, it is important to annotate your reflections on each action, irrespective of whether the goals set were successfully reached or not. These reflections regard:
- the extent to which the action goals where achieved,
- how teachers and students performed their roles,
- emerged strengths and weaknesses of the action,
- what worked and what did not work (based on the needs and profile of those involved in the actions and on any other contributing factors),
- How and whether teachers’ and learners’ perceived changes in relation to the goal(s) of the action¸ and
- any suggestions for improvement and for future actions.
Bearing in mind that your SELFIE-based Action Plan (even though enacted during a specific school period) is part of an ongoing iterative process, reflecting on this experience will provide invaluable insights for improving subsequent action planning.
The overall evaluation on actions performed should consider not just the achievement of pre-set goals but also to what extent these actions contributed to enhancing the whole school’s digital capacity. This refers both to the specific SELFIE areas/items selected in Step 1 and, potentially, to positive effects on other areas/items that were outside the specific scope of your action plan.
To gain a picture of such progress, the school can consider repeating the SELFIE self-reflection process. This will allow you to compare the data from your initial SELFIE school report used at the start of the SELFIE PTK process (Step 1) with the data on your newly-gained status as revealed by your new SELFIE school report. This could also be launch pad for a new SELFIE PTK cycle.
Tool 7.1 - Monitoring & evaluation template for your SELFIE-based action plan
A template to guide ongoing monitoring of how your SELFIE-based action plan is progressing, and for evaluating the outcomes and impacts it has generated with regards to the digital capacity of your school’s learning community. File available in both MS Word and PDF formats for any school to download and use.
Tool 7.2 - Template for SELFIE-based action plan
You can use the SELFIE-based action plan template for the evaluation of each action described in Step 4, as well as the evaluation of the overall process after the completion of all actions. Template is available in printed format (MS Word, PDF) and through the SELFIE PTK online environment.
Besides evaluating the SELFIE-based action plan, you could also evaluate the overall SELFIE PTK process. You could seek feedback (either formally or informally) from those who actively participated (e.g., school staff and students) in all the steps of the SELFIE PTK and other relevant stakeholders (e.g., school inspector and local education authorities/officer), to identify benefits and areas for improving the entire process of the SELFIE PTK, through different point of views.
Below you can find some indicative questions that can be used to get feedback from the relevant stakeholders regarding the SELFIE PTK process:
- Was the coordinating team (in terms of role, synthesis) able to support the implementation of the SELFIE PTK? What would you change?
- Where the set priorities and goals of the action plan sufficient to guide the action plan?
- Where the success criteria and monitoring process of the action plan sufficient for the successful implementation of actions?
- Was it a collective process which involved a significant number of teachers?
- Where teachers engaged in an ongoing process of sharing knowledge, experience, and collaboration activities in relation to teaching with digital technologies?
- Has the necessary culture been developed in the school for the use of innovative learning approaches with the support of digital technologies?
- Was the school leadership proactive in the implementation process and especially in supporting teachers in integrating digital technologies into their teaching?
- Were teachers confident and skilled in using digital technology to support their teaching and adapted pedagogy? Has the school organised or facilitated professional development opportunities for the teachers?
- Did the action plan, helped teachers to integrate digital technologies into learning, teaching and the assessment of students’ skills?
- Do students feel that the implementation of the action plan has changed how they learn?
- Do teachers/parents feel that the school benefited from the implementation of the action plan?
Valuable lessons could be learned from actions proved unsuccessful in reaching the goals set due to time constraints, obstacles, reactions from parents or any other reason. These lessons may help you in future iterations of the action plan. Therefore, it is recommended to keep them as part of the action plan and include notes on the reasons of their ineffectiveness.
Measuring the progress regarding your school’s digital readiness, may result in positive findings. In this case, it would be good to disseminate those findings within the school community. The spread of positive outcomes could influence the attitudes and boost the interest of the school stakeholders who were less involved or not involved at all, in the school improvement process. Therefore, the commitment of the whole school may increase in an effort of improvement that appears promising.
When you have finished this step, you should have:
- Enacted and completed the monitoring and evaluation process.
- Completed the implementation the SELFIE-based Action Plan
- Collected evidence from the monitoring and evaluation process.
- Sought feedback from participants on impact of the SELFIE-based Action Plan.
- Evaluated the overall Action Plan to inform future actions.